Saturday, December 5, 2009

Merry Bah Humbug!

What is it about Christmas that just brings out the crank in me?

Could it be that this year Christmas decorations were visually assaulting me the day after Halloween?

OR, maybe it was because as I was checking out the Halloween gee gaws that were 50% off at Target, my ears began to bleed at the sound of Christmas music.

OR, perhaps it was because the sales clerk at Border's wished me a "Merry Christmas".

On November 22!
Yes......I'll do that. After I have a Happy Thanksgiving.

The commercialization of Christmas is sickening. They actually have gift tag holders for gift cards now. Because apparently the little envelope that comes with your gift card purchase wasn't gift wrap-y enough! And who decided that fake trees should be the latest Christmas trend? I've got one word for your fake tree: LAME. And if you hang a pine scented Air Freshener from a branch on your fake tree, here's another word for you: LAME-R!

Whatever happened to trimming the tree and hanging the stockings and just sitting in your darkened room, watching the glow of the Christmas tree lights? Does anybody wrap their gifts in the Sunday Comics anymore? And what in the hell happened to homemade Christmas ornaments? Why does everything have to be so match-y match-y? My Mom still has my brother's Santa House made from an old milk carton, felt and sequins. Granted, it's leaning a skoosh to the right after 25 years of being stored in the hot attic for 11 months out of the year, but it makes us all smile when she pulls it out at Christmas time.

That's the Joy of Christmas, people! It should be about traditions, and memories & doing something for your neighbor. It's about charity and hope and believing in Santa even when you're 39 years old. It's about listening to 'O Holy Night' and being reduced to tears.

These are the thoughts that will carry me through this Season.

That, and alot of Starbuck's Peppermint Mochas- for a limited time only!

1 comment:

  1. I swear to god you are my estrogen based self!! If we hugged long enough, I bet we would blend into one giant anti-holiday skipping Incredible Hulk. Your testosterone based self would have pulled the Borders clerk over the counter by their ears and screamed at them, it is F'n Halloween and no F'n xmas musice until I have puked out the last of my turkey and gravy gorging on that little known holiday called Thanksgiving!!!! Three Cheers for the Snarky Brunette!!!
