Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Consulting the Playbook

I'm getting alot of requests for daily entries to my blog. It's a bit overwhelming considering I'm new at this. Certainly, I love the attention (Geminis......we love the spotlight!), but the pressure to be "on" is a skoosh daunting. As a narcissist, I recognize my talent for witty repartee. Seriously, I am my own best audience! But I'm also fond of self -deprecation; I'm almost completely incapable of accepting a compliment, and I am my own worst critic.

OMG. Does that make me an oxy-moron?

I'm going to take a knee to consider this revelation and its profound possibility, so I'll leave you with this:

I just poured my third cocktail.

I figured it was the perfect chaser to the handful of Midol I just swallowed.

Booze and drugs. Alone, they are good. Together......well.......there couldn't be a better marriage!

What was I saying yesterday about not needing a 12 Step Program......?

1 comment:

  1. Enjoying your blogs!! Fun, witty, true and a bit "snarky" (probably why I enjoy them)! Keep up the great writing!
