Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Merry (Drunk) Maid

Guess what's more fun than cleaning my house?

Cleaning my house while drinking.

Totally wish I would have thought of this 2 floors ago!

I have a tri-level, 24oo square foot home. I clean it all myself. Sure, the Monsters have chores and they have to pick up their......shhhhhhhhh, stuff. And Marky is really good at moving furniture for vacuuming purposes. But the deep clean falls to me. Why? It's a two prong answer:

1. I'm too cheap to hire a cleaning lady, and
2. I know myself. I'd actually clean the house before the cleaning lady showed up to clean my house!

So. What's the point in hiring a cleaning lady!?

There is none.

Thank you, Type A (with a slight case of OCD) personality.

I'm off to scrub the second of three toilets. Only this time I'm armed with both Lysol Cling and a martini! Or two.......

I would whistle while I work, but given the martinis.....I'm pretty sure my whistle would sound more like a raspberry!!!!


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