Friday, November 5, 2010

Trick or Prophylactic?

So me & my stiff Salty Dog logged on tonight, feeling like we wanted to write........

But we just sat here and stared at the blank page for what seemed like forever........

The blinking cursor totally mocking us & our un-inspired state.


With my creative sap not flowing, I clicked over to my homepage to see if perhaps some world and local news might do the trick.


Seems a couple in Silverton, OREGON handed out condoms to kids on Halloween.

And the parent of one teenager was both "offended" and found it "inappropriate to give them without the parents' consent."

Hmmmmmm.....where to begin?

A good place to start would be for me to stop laughing my ass off!
(Said ass is really quite large these days, so this could take awhile.......)

Really? "Offended"? If the parents answered their door in black face; that's something to be offended about. If the parents handed out religious materials, whether it was anti or pro; that's something to be offended about. But a condom? To a 14 year old? Get over yourself, Parent. You live in a town that continues to elect a transvestite as its Mayor.

(Something which, for the record, I totally applaud. Said cross dressing Mayor, however, needs a complete fashion make-over. I'm just sayin'......)

The argument regarding how appropriate it was to pass out condoms....... I will concede: Parent, you've got me there. But not because I find it inappropriate. It's because these parents are simply setting themselves up for ridicule, lots 'o judgments to be passed aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, in this day and age of "sue-happy" individuals- the potential for a lawsuit.

And if they lived in Linn County, I am sure, the potential for criminal charges!

These parents simply suffer from poor judgment. There intent was good, in theory. Promote safe sex and the health and well being of young people, and at the same time educate. Their platform, however, was completely know...... since the majority of the teenagers landing on their doorstep are clearly misguided as well SINCE EVERYONE KNOWS THAT YOU STOP TRICK OR TREATING WHEN YOU'RE TWELVE!

And that's not the kids fault- that's poor parenting.

And here's how we come full circle: you've got a 14 year old trick or treating, who gets a condom as a "treat" and HER parent is offended.

Seriously? I'm more offended at the parent who allows their 14 year old to Trick or Treat than I am offended at the Condom Giving, Halloween Celebrating, Thinking I'm Gonna Educate parent!

FFS. Offended Parent needs to count his blessings that his kid escaped Condom Giving's "normal practice." See........ Condom Giving parent freely admits giving the 14 year old a condom "was a mistake". Her "usual practice is to ask teens if they're 16 years or older and to give them a speech on safe sex."

Hmmmmmmm........ lemme see? Free condom that any parent can confiscate and ultimately use for themselves OR having to explain to your kid what was sure to be a completely condescending and whacked out personal philosophy on safe sex from a stranger.......?

I hate stupid people.

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